City of Chicago

Procurement Services

We are the contracting authority for the procurement of goods and services for the City of Chicago

Contracts for Vendor

Contracts for KIA SMITH

In order to view the Contract and Award Listings, you need to download Acrobat Reader.

Click on a column title to sort the records. For information and supporting documents concerning amendments, modifications and/or extensions to a contract, click the "Details" link in the search results.

DUR in the Award Amount column means that the contract award total Depends Upon Requirements. A Depends Upon Requirements contract is an indefinite quantities contract in which the city places orders as needed. The vendor is not guaranteed any particular contract award amount.

3 record(s) found

Agency Contract (PO) # Specification # Award amount Award date Commodity or service Department
CITY 1208106 Up To $3,000.00 08/03/2020 Grant Agreement, IAP, Smith DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS Details
CITY 1310923 Up To $5,750.00 10/31/2024 Grant Agreement, IAP DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS AND SPECIAL EVENTS Details
CITY 1311231 Up To $5,750.00 11/05/2024 Grant Agreement, IAP DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS AND SPECIAL EVENTS Details