Chicago Landmarks

Lion House

Lion House east facade, by Terry Tatum, CCL, 2005     Address: Lincoln Park Zoo
Year Built: 1912
Architect: Perkins, Fellows & Hamilton
Date Designated a Chicago Landmark: November 30, 2005

Lion mosaic detail, by Terry Tatum, CCL, 2005 Located in one of the country's oldest municipal zoological parks, the Lion House blends both the grandly-scaled public architecture of the Classical style with the innovative Prairie style, developed by Chicago architects in the early 20th century. The building was designed by architect Dwight H. Perkins, a well-known advocate of park and school reform. The building has excellent brickwork and terra-cotta ornament, unique lion mosaics and a grand interior with a vaulted Guastavino-tile ceiling, an innovative construction technology of the time.