Logan Square Boulevards District
Address: Generally Logan, Kedzie, Palmer, and Humboldt Boulevards (north of Cortland)
Year Built:
- 1930
Architect: Various
Date Designated a Chicago Landmark:
November 1, 2005
This sprawling district on Chicago's Northwest Side is centered on Logan and Palmer Squares and the landscaped boulevards that extend outward from them. The district exemplifies the high-quality middle- and upper-class residential, institutional, religious and commercial architecture constructed in Chicago's neighborhoods during the late 19th and early 20th centuries and remains one of the finest sections of the City's park boulevard system. The district's buildings, largely built between circa 1880 and 1930, are finely designed and crafted in a variety of architectural styles popular during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In addition, one of the City's most distinctive public monuments is the Illinois Centennial Monument in Logan Square and is a visual focus within the District. The combination of the district's landscaped boulevards and squares, combined with the quality of the buildings facing them, create a distinctive sense of place.