Manage Roles

Permission levels are defined in the manage role panel. Manage Roles describes the type of access and privileges that's available based on each role. Appropriate permission is needed to access the user role panel. The panel consist of four columns:

Manage Roles

View Role

View Role icon is an active link that provide information about the roles available for WindyGrid users. When the icon is selected, a textbox displays exposing the following role information: ID, Name, Description, “Is Admin Role”, and Group.

ID: name of the role, Name: title of the role, Description: describes the type of user role, ‘Is Admin Role’: classifies if the role has administrative privileges, and Group: categorizes the user group of the role.


Only the administrator can edit/remove role information from the application.

View Role Information Box

Role Description

Role details shows the name and description of a role within its row. There's a total of eight roles and each role correlates to an access level in the application.

  • WindyGrid Full Report/Real-Time (Level I)
  • WindyGrid Full Report (Level I)
  • WindyGrid Basic Users (Level II)
  • Public Safety Users (Level I)
  • Public Safety Admins
  • Fire Department Users (Level I)
  • Fire Department Admins
  • WindyGrid Admins

Fire and Police

Full Report, Admin, Public Safety and Fire roles are Level I users with access to all datasets within the application including fire and police datasets. Users without Level I access cannot query 911 Fire or 911 Police data unless special permission is obtained (see Request Access).


Functions is a column in the manage roles panel that describes function options available for each role. The function types are "Advanced Search" and "Manage". Advanced Search function is available for all user roles and accessible in the Find Data panel. Manage function is limited to admin roles only; users with admin rights have the manage button visible in the application. When either/or both are selected a checkmark appears next to the function allowing it to be enabled and visible in the application.

Data Types

Data Type is a column in the manage roles panel that provides a list of datasets. Each dataset correlates to an access level and a role. To enable/disable a dataset for a role; the admin selects the data type droplist column within the row of a specified role, a complete list of the datasets appears, admin then selects or deselects a dataset by name. Selecting a dataset will apply a checkmark next to the dataset name, this action will display the dataset in the application for the specified role. Deselecting will remove the checkmark from the dataset disabling it from the role and the application.