Authentication Token
An access token is a unique identifier that's generated by windygrid service for the application requesting access to the API. The token is needed for security purposes to authenticate users to the application. A token can be an opaque string or a JSON web token.The token can be used to access the API resources without having to authenticate until it expires after four hours.
There are many api testing tools like cURL (standard commandline tool), Postman, and Fiddler to name a few. The documentation provides request examples in cURL, JavaScript and R.
An api call path is provided next to each method.
Method | Path | Description |
baseurl/users/token |
Return a JSON Web Token (JWT) token after user id and password have been successfully validated. The JavaScript Web Token expire after 4 hours. The authentication token needs to be renewed prior to expiration by calling /users/renew. See below for more information. |
Token Requested over Plain Text
The password is currently expected to be sent in plain text (not encrypted). This is partly done to avoid unnecessary complexity. We believe it is best to rely on transport security (HTTPS) to encrypt user credentials.
Token Request Examples¶
Token request in cURL with credentials embedded in code:
curl -k -i -X POST -d "{\"username\":\"123456\",\"password\": \"Abcde@1234\"}"\ -H "Content-Type:application/json"
Sample token request that redirects the output to a file so the user can easily copy and paste the token value:
A text file is needed; inside the text file are credential placeholders in json format. Enter your city AD user id and password within the placeholders, remove the brackets and save the file in a location on your computer.
Sample Payload¶
{ "username": "123456", "password": "Abcde@1234" }
Next, access the command prompt from the start menu, navigate to the location of the saved text file. On the command line enter the request to obtain the access token.
curl -k -i -X POST -d @textfile-payload-name.txt > token.txt
Returned Sample Response¶
A token is returned in the response header as “X-AUTH-TOKEN:”
The authentication token consist of three sections separated by a period(.): HEADER.PAYLOAD.SIGNATURE; the key X-AUTH-TOKEN
is appended to the response header below:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2019 20:38:49 GMT Server: JBoss-EAP/7 Expires: 0 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate X-Powered-By: Undertow/1 Pragma: no-cache Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-AUTH-TOKEN Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * X-AUTH-TOKEN: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.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.32nHXt0UetqQM6eX47q3MZ2gHe2xE2sroPcoY67-X8VtjsmFkL-P-68qc2GOYaFeVk6IIEz5OkqWhu9-lXkN8w Content-Length: 0 Set-Cookie:; Secure; HttpOnly; path=/; Httponly; Secure
This token can be parsed using the jwt_decode JavaScript Web Token library.
Error Code
If user authentication fails, HTTP status code 401 (Unauthorized) is returned to the requester. For a complete list of response codes see HTTP Status Codes on Response.
JavaScript token request and querying data¶
var url = ""; //pass credentials as JSON payload, using city credentials authentication $.post( url + "/users/token", '{ "username": "your id", "password": "your password" }') .done(function( data, status, request ) { //token is returned in header as 'x-auth-token' var token = request.getResponseHeader("x-auth-token"); $( "#token" ).text( token ); //pass token to every subsequent requests using jquery setup $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { "x-auth-token": token } }); //get list of all datasets $.get(url + "/datasets", function (data) { //just display the first one $( "#datasets" ).html("Found " + data.length + ", first dataset id=" + data[0].id); }, 'json'); //query 311 service requests $.get(url + "/datasets/s311sr/query", {q: {"$and":[{"when.creation_date":{"$gt":1555736400000}}]}}, function (data) { //just display the first one $( "#results" ).html( "Found " + data.features.length + " records"); }, 'json'); });
Token Request in "R"¶
// Get username and password from file usr <- jsonlite::read_json("@textfile-payload-name.txt")$username pw <- jsonlite::read_json("@textfile-payload-name.txt")$password //get token url <- "" r <- httr::POST(url = paste(url,"users/token", sep=""), body = sprintf('{"username":"%s", "password": "%s"}', usr, pw)) token <- r$headers$`x-auth-token` //get list of datasets r <- httr::GET(url=paste(url,"datasets", sep=""), httr::add_headers("x-auth-token"=token)) //display datasets str(httr::content(r, "parsed"), 2) // query example used in API call //{"$and":[{"when.creation_date":{"$gt":1556773200000}}]}&n=500 // display query from api call r <- httr::GET( url = paste(url, 'datasets/s311sr/query?q={"$and":[{"when.creation_date":{"$gt":1556773200000}}]}&n=500', sep=""), config = httr::add_headers("x-auth-token"=token)) // display query str(httr::content(r, "parsed"), 2)
Renew Token¶
Method | Path | Description |
baseurl/users/renew |
Renew the expiration date on an existing JSON Web Token (JWT) token. The existing token needs to be on the request header under key X-AUTH-TOKEN:. |
Sample Response¶
No response is returned on token renewals but the authentication token will have a new expiration time thats appended to the response header, replacing the previous one. See 'X-AUTH-TOKEN' above for a sample token value.