City of Chicago


To register for an account, you must have your City of Chicago IRIS (business) account number. You will be able to apply for an advertising permit for a valid public vehicle license authorized to display advertising. Please click here to obtain more information on how to register. Please have the following items ready before starting the registration process:

  • City of Chicago IRIS (business account) Number. If you do not have an IRIS number, e-mail
  • PIN associated with IRIS Number
Type of registrant *

Enter your username *
User ID must be between 7 and 64 characters.
Enter your password *
Password must be between 8 and 22 characters long and must contain at least 1 number and one uppercase character.
Retype password *
Re-enter your password exactly as you have entered above.
Email *
Email address where you will receive notifications, payment confirmation, and reminders.
IRIS Account Number *
If you do not know your IRIS account number, please click here.
Contact Phone Number *
Enter phone number with area code. No spaces or dashes, please.
SSN last 4 digits *
Enter the last four (4) digits of the Social Security Number related to the IRIS Account Number, the SSN of an officer listed in the company IRIS Account. This might not necessarily be the SSN of the individual applying for the permits.