City of Chicago
Building Permit and Inspection Records

Building Permit and Inspection Records


The information presented on this website is informational only and does not necessarily reflect the current condition of the building or property. The fact that a permit was issued does not confirm that work was performed, or that work was performed in accordance with that permit and the requirements of the Municipal Code.

Information on inspections and alleged violations reflect conditions found by the inspector at the time of the inspection and not necessarily the current status of those alleged violations or the current condition of the property. The absence of alleged violations on this website does not mean a building or property is in compliance with the requirements of the Municipal Code.

The Department of Buildings may refer certain alleged violations to the City's Department of Law for enforcement proceedings in the Department of Administrative Hearings or the Circuit Court of Cook County. Please contact the Department of Administrative Hearings or the Clerk of the Circuit Court, respectively to obtain records of these proceedings.

Inspection # 13024507
CN015062 Failed to remove obstruction from exitway that hampers travel and evacuation. (13-160-070, 13-196-080) WEST IRON GATE; PADLOCK.
CN041063 Failed to cut or remove weeds, grass or other growth that present a fire hazard. (15-4-970) YARD AREA; HIGH WEEDS.
CN066034 Failed to maintain balcony in good repair and free from cracks and defects. (13-196-530(e), 13-196-641) WEST BALCONY, WEST BALCONY WALL BUCKLING OUT, BALCONY WALL CHIP BRICKS, STONE CAP OPEN JOINT.[SUBMIT PERMIT TO RESET BRICK WALL]
CN070024 Failed to repair or replace defective or missing members of porch system. (13-196-570, 13-196-641) ENCLOSE PORCH; STRINGER BROKEN, HAND RAILS LOOSE, LANDINGS PULLING AWAY FROM BUILDING.[SUBMIT PERMITS FOR REPAIRS]
CN073014 Failed to maintain exterior door in sound condition and repair. (13-196-550(d) and (e), 13-196-641) SOUTH BASEMENT EXTERIOR DOOR; DRYROTTED.
CN076044 Failed to maintain roof downspouts in good repair and working condition. (13-196-590, 13-196-630(b), 13-196-641, 18-29-1101, 18-29-1105, 18-29-1106) WEST BALCONY DOWNSPOUTS; BROKEN.
CN077014 Failed to maintain fence in good condition and repair. (7-28-060, 13-196-630, 13-196-641) WOOD FENCE; BROKEN.
CN101015 Failed to maintain interior walls and ceilings free from holes or cracks. (13-19-540(c)) FOYER WALL AND CEILING; BUCKLING. 1ST FLR.BATHROOM TUB WALL MILDEW, KITCHEN CEILING BUCKLING.
CN103015 Failed to maintain floor free from holes and wide cracks and free from loose, warped, protruding or rotting floor boards. (13-196-540(a) and (b)) 1ST FLR.KITCHEN FLOOR TILES BROKEN AND FLOOR ROTTED. 2ND FLR.FRONT BEDROOM WOOD STRIP FLOOR BROKEN, KITCHEN FLOOR TILES BROKEN.
CN104015 Replace broken, missing or defective window panes. (13-196-550 A) SOUTH ELEVATION, 2ND FLR.GLASS BLOCK WINDOW PANE; BROKEN.
CN104025 Failed to maintain window sash in good condition and so it fits reasonably tight within its frame. (13-196-550(b)) ENCLOSE PORCH WINDOW SASH; LOOSE IN FRAME.
CN104035 Failed to maintain windows in sound condition and good repair. (13-196-550(b) and (f)) 2ND FLR.KITCHEN WINDOW FRAME; ROTTED.
CN105015 Repair or replace defective door. (13-196-550) FOYER DOOR TO 2ND FLR.; DOOR PANE BOARDED UP. 2ND FLR.BATHROOM DOOR; BROKEN.
CN105025 Repair or replace door frame. (13-196-550) 1st FLR.KITCHEN DOOR FRAME; BROKEN. 2ND FLR.BATHROOM DOOR FRAME; THRESHOLD MISSING.
CN105045 Failed to install dead bolt lock, with at least one inch saw resistant bolt projection or with rim mounted deadbolt or vertical drop-bolt lock of equivalent security, at the entrance door of a dwelling unit. (13-164-030) 2ND FLR.APARTMENT DOOR; NO LOCK.
CN105085 Failed to provide and install building entrance door with deadlock latch with at least a 1/2 inch latch bolt projection for multi-unit residential buildings without an attendant being continuously on duty. (13-164-040) SOUTH EXTERIOR DOOR; NO DOOR LOCK.
CN106015 Failed to maintain interior stairway system in safe condition and sound repair. (13-196-570) INTERIOR STAIR, HAND RAIL; BROKEN LOOSE.
CN135016 Exterminate rodents in building and seal openings through which they gain access. (13-196-530 D, 13-196-630 C, 7-28-660) BUILDING MICE INFESTED.
CN136016 Exterminate roaches and keep dwelling insect-free. (13-196-630 C) BUILDING ROACH INFESTED.
CN197019 Install and maintain approved smoke detectors. (13-196-100 thru 13-196-160) Install a smoke detector in every dwelling unit. Install one on any living level with a habitable room or unenclosed heating plant, on the uppermost ceiling of enclosed porch stairwell, and within 15 feet of every sleeping room. Be sure the detector is at least 4 inches from the wall, 4 to 12 inches from the ceiling, and not above door or window. INTERIOR STAIR; NO SMOKE DETECTOR.
PL153017 Repair or replace defective faucet. (18-29-102.3, 18-29-424, 18-29-420.1) 2ND FLR.BATHROOM TUB FAUCET KNOB; BROKEN, KITCHEN FAUCET BROKEN LOOSE.
PL159027 Reset loose plumbing fixture. (18-29-102.3) 1ST FLR.KITCHEN SINK; LOOSE [CABINET CAVING IN].
PL159057 Repair defective plumbing and sewage system and stop odors. (18-29-102.3) BASEMENT AREA; SEWER ODOR.
PL162017 Keep plumbing clean and sanitary. (13-196-620 B, 13-196-630 B), (18-29-402.1), (18-29-402.1.1) 1ST FLR.BATHROOM TUB; UNSANITARY CONDITION.
PL169017 Remove sewage and stagnant water from basement and correct cause. (13-196-580 A, 7-28-060) BASEMENT AREA; STANDING WATER.